Сергей Всеволодович Научные работы, политологические статьи, комментарии С.В. Строева Публикации иных авторов 2005-2013 г. ![]() ![]() |
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![]() Сергей В. Строев ВСТРЕЧА МОДИ с "ДРУЗЬЯМИ ИНДИИ" В ЭКСПОЦЕНТРЕ СЕГОДНЯ. ( Russian and English texts ) Только что вернулся со встречи премьер-министра Индии Нарендры Моди с "Друзьями Индии в России". Из этих "друзей, по словам самого Моди, пол-зала в 3000 человек состояла из людей, которые приехали из Индии в Россию ( студенты и бизнесмены из Индии и даже типа меня - со былой службы в Индии , а вторая половина состоит из друзей, "которые никогда в Индии не были , но которые любят эту страну и ее культуру" . ( Буря оваций в зале. Аплодисменты в зале были на каждую реплику Моди о "незыблемой дружбе между народами и странами" - Индии и России. Вообще я таких речей не слышал со времен Индиры Ганди..... ) Перед появлением Моди был почти полуторачасовый концерт. Русские друзья мне сказали, что у него очень тяжелые переговоры с Путиным. Может Моди и не приехать. Но он приехал. Пол-часа посидел в зале и посмотрел концерт. Конечно, к его приезду были оставлены культовые индуистские музыкальные композиции . Выступление Сати Казановой, которая спела на санскрите древний гимн божеству Генешу, по словам Моди, его "порясло". Потом он выступил с тридцатиминутной эмоциональной речью под овации зала. Охватил много тем... ![]() Это была речь профессионального политика, дипломата высшей пробы и в то же время речь человека, убежденного в своей правоте. Всего не передать. Надеюсь будет позже текст этой речи, прерываемой частыми овациями и криками одобрения из зала ( в основном со стороны индийских студентов, среди которых были студенты из Пензы, Ульяновска, Нижнего Новгорода, Курска и Твери. Индийские студенты часто поднимали вверх транспаранты с приветствиями в адрес Моди и с названиями ВУЗов, где они учатся. По окончании мероприятия около 10 междугородних автобусов посадили приезжих индийских студентов и, видимо, повезли их в их города, хотя, кроме Твери, города, указанные на транспарантах - не близкие от Москвы. В целом индийская молодежь составляла около половины зала. Русская публика была в основном среднего и старше среднего возраста. Собственно, это отражало и современную демографию двух стран. О чем упомянул в речи и Моди - "Индия по населению - молодая страна". Лично для меня самым главным ( и это реально было самым главным в речи Моди ) - это упор на его программу "Создай в Индии". Это не об "импортозамещении" товаров, производство которых было "за так" отдано в России иностранцам и они, там, где им это было выгодно, просто его закрывали в России. Как конкурентов. Например, в ряде отраслей ВПК. Нет. Это была объявлена и пропагандировалась программа на развитие, в основном, ВНУТРЕННЕГО ИНДИЙСКОГО РЫНКА. Несмотря на членство Индии в ВТО, ТЕМПЫ РОСТА ЭКОНОМИКИ ИНДИИ В 2015 - ПЛЮС 7.5%. А У НАС - В МИНУС... ПРИ ЭТОМ ИНДИЯ - страна, импортирующая нефть и газ...... ( Тут отвлекаясь от темы встречи с премьером Моди стоит отметить, что мноое зависит от менеджмента и уровня коррупции. Так, в Крыму, в одном и том же федеральном округе, в 2015 году в субъекте федерации городе Севастополь темпы роста экономики составили плюс 7.5 процентов, а в остальном Крыму - минус 5.6 %. Разные администрации.... ) P.S. 1. Для могущих читать по -английски - текст ниже на английском языке не является ПЕРЕВОДОМ моего же русского текста. Я никогда не перевожу свои тексты, а пишу их отдельно на каждом языке. И так получилось, что английский текст в данном постинге раза в два-три раза более объемный и более подробный. И , возможно, более интересный, ибо я его дописывал уже после сна, когда не было такой усталости, как сразу после "встречи Морди с друзьями Индии"..... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have just come from the "sammelan" of Shri Modi with the "Friends of India in Russia". In his words 50% in the Hall are the people who came from India - that is including :) and 50% of the 3000 people in the Hall - are the people who have never been to India. Yet, as he said, "they LOVE INDIA and Indian culture". He spoke very well about the long tradition of friendship with Russia and his speach was accompanied by much of applause from the Hall with about 3000 chairs. Almost all of them were occupied by mostly young Indians and predominantly middle aged Russians. ![]() I was by 50% sure that Shri Modi will not be able to come to this meeting - as my Russian friends said that the talks with Putin were very hard for Narendra Modi . And I agreed with them, yet saying that it is the Indian MENTALITY to BARGAIN to the last rupee even if it leades to a loss in the final price of a contract. The contracts that were to be signed were of very large sums of money. Modi said in his speach that some contracts were signed today witout mentioning them. He did not seem glad or depressed. But the speach did not make an impression of a depressed man after the talks. And, finally, he CAME. After 90 minutes of a concert of Indian classical dance. ![]() He was sitting for about half an hour in the Hall with VIP audiense in the first row of seats. Just watching the Hinduist classical show. After that he assended the rostrum and deleveired a 35 minutes brilliant and very emotional, yet very rational speach. I know that there are many people in India that are not any fans of Modi as a Premier. Yes, I know this fact. But today I saw a real LEADER OF A NATION and I envied India that it has a leader with his programmme " MAKE IN INDIA" ! No one can accuse " Hehruvian Fabian " Socialism" ! Nehru was 100% right. India was a sort of a simi-closed and semi-autarcy economy so long because it was not ready to compete with the West. Nehru did not allow to make another Africa in India. Now the TIME TO BE MORE OPEN HAS ALMOST COME. Where it is needed. "Make in India " is a programme ( like non existing " Make in Russia") what Russia very badly needs at least for the last 20 years. But NOTHING was made to renew Russian industry except some military enterprises. Just pumping oil and natural gas.... Yes. Mody was clearly seen ( by me as an analysist) that he is, first of all, a HINDU patriot...Though he mentioned Indian Muslims as well, as an integral part of Indian political nation. But is it so bad - to be a REAL "nationalist" if compared with only lip service to "Russian patriotism" which we have the happiness to watch every day on our TV? No. Indian "nationalism", Modi version, is for the Nation -for the Indian State. Half of his speach Shri Modi spoke very highly of a long tradition of our friendship calling Russia " the only country in the world which always supported India and we always knew that Russia will always stand by us". His high estimation of our relationship was accompanied by loud applose and shouts of approvement from the younger half of the Hall. In the second part of his speach he deliberated on various sides of his programme of a fast economic growth in India assuring the audience that in this century India will be an economic leader in Eurasia. It was a very emoptional speach though filled with facts and figures, with mentioning various projects within the programme " Make in India". After the meeting I left that Hall with a sad feeling that we, Russians, do not have economic leaders, whose aim is the fast and very real economic development of the country, whatever the propaganda media wants to persuade us. Modi not in a word mentioned the need to EXPORT something abroad to earn money. He stressed on the development of INTERNAL market and on producing goods and services for Indian citizens. Though he mentioned many times DIRECT ( not speculative financial PORTFOLIO ) investitions to build a new industry, agriculture and infrastructure on Indian soil. Notably, HEALTH CARE and EDUCATION he also included in infrastructural projects. Which is a correct approach to these spheres. About 5 minutes of his speach Modi dedicated to the necessity of development TOURISM FROM RUSSIA TO INDIA. He appealed to Indian students to be promoters of Russian tourism to India up to family-to- family exchange tours for 10-12 days...Alas, he did not offer anything to make air tickets less costly and that is the main reason that tourism to India is very costly for too many Russians after the devaluation of rouble.... He also spoke at length that India was right when it warned the World 30 years ago about the threat of a terrorism at the world level. " But at that time many countries thoght that it is just the Indian problem. But they were wrong in the long run"... Shri Modi made an appeal to get united against the terrorists wars anywhere in the world. I have never heard such speaches since the times of Indira Gandhi in the 70-s.... Modi is a very clever guy. Though he is a supporter and a part of Hindutva, yet he will supress any attemts from outsiade of India to splash a can of petrol and lit a fire in not always easy Hindu-Muslim relations in India. He is a real "nationalist", meaning Indian political, civil NATION. He made an impresion of a nationalist of ALL India, representing interests of Indians of any ethnic, religious or language denomination. He hopes that a rapid growth of Indian REAL ECONOMY - new industries, new infrastructural nets, new technologies used in India and for Indians, will help to leave the poor India behind in its history. Meanwhile, even at the time of a GLOBAL economic crysis India will not fall down economically as Russia is falling down since the spring 2014. With cutting social programmes in condition of real two digits inflation, with closing many hospitals and state clinics ( at least in Moscow), with factories closing down as, due to American economic sanctions, the earlier bought spare parts, machinery and technologies are not availiable now. Yet Soviet vast industrial inheritance was sold or just given away for a symbolic price to a very narrow group of people who did not DEVELOPE the industry but sold many of it as a metal scrap, buying themselves huge "yots", palaces and other real estate in the land of our potential enemy, replacing Russian hardware for foreign things bought wth petrol money. Only military production complex, thanks to EXPORT orders from China, than from India and Vietnam and some other countries, by miracle, stayed alive in the 90-s. Nuclear energy sector and everything that could be EXPORTED abroad and bring very good profits for private the new post-Soviet businessmen ( energy, metals, oil and gas) also is alive. The rest of industry is decaying. India seems to choose another way.... Modi's "Make in India" gives a good chance. And, I hope, India will not get in trap of " export oriented economy" like China may get in, if American and European customers "suddenly" become more poor ( or less motivated) to buy cheap Chinese goods too much as they were doing for the last long 30 years. In my view, the policy "Make in India" ( produce real values in India itself) and consume them also mainly in India and SELING ABROAD WHAT CANNOT BE CONSUMED WITHIN THE COUNTRY - IT IS THE WAY TO REAL ECONOMIC INDEPENDANCE FROM GLOBAL FINANCIAL BROKERS. As Shri Modi said "India is a future leader of Eurasia in foreseable future". If the programme "Make in India" succeeds - than Shri Narendra Mody's forecast will become a reality. Meanwhile if Indo-Russian programmes of INDUSTRIAL COOPERATION works as it is planned that may also add something to boost Indian economy even more and help to get Russian economy out of the trap - "Russian oil for Western industrial goods and even FOOD". It is a real TRAP and we, Russians, must get out of it. There is a Chinese economic model but Shri Mody says that there may be another one. And in my personal view the Modi model fits better for the future of Russia. ![]() Photo - Kudanculam atomoc power station built by Indians and Russians. Сергей В. Строев / Sergey V. Stroev . 25.12. 2015 Назад на Главную страницу |